Keywords are also konwn as reserved words. C Keywords are those words whose meaning already been defined to C Compiler.there are 32 Keywords in C Language. A Keyword Cannot be used as an Identifier. each keyword has its own unique meaning and purpose in C language.
auto keyword in c
auto keyword in c is used to define storage class of a variable. the default storage class for local variables is auto , so you don't normally need to manually specify it.break keyword in c
break keyword in c is used to jump out of the innermost enclosing loop (while, do, for or switch statements) explicitly and pass the control to next statement immediately following the loop.
case keyword in c
case keyword in c language is used with switch statement to define a case.
char keyword in c
char keyword in c language represent the character data type and used to define a variable of type char.const keyword in c
const keyword in c language is used to to make program elements constant and can be used with variables, pointers, function arguments and return types.continue keyword in c
continue keyword in c language is used to skip certain statements inside the loop.default keyword in c
default keyword in c language is used with switch statement to define default keyword in c
do keyword in c language is used for do while loop.double keyword in c
double keyword in c language is used to define a floating point variable.else keyword in c
else keyword in c language is used to define else part of if else statement.enum keyword in c
enum keyword in c language is used to define enumerated type data type.extern keyword in c
extern keyword in c language is used to define storage class of a variable.float keyword in c
double keyword in c language is used to define a floating point variable.for keyword in c
for keyword in c language is used to define for loop.goto keyword in c
goto keyword in c language is used for unconditional jump to a labeled statement.if keyword in c
if keyword in c language is used as a decision making keyword in c
int keyword in c language is used to define a variable of Integer type.long keyword in c
long keyword in c language is also used to define a variable of Integer type.register keyword in c
register keyword in c language is used to define storage class of a variable.return keyword in c
return keyword in c language is used for returning a value back to its calling function.short keyword in c
short keyword in c language is also used to define a variable of Integer type.signed keyword in c
signed keyword in c language is also used in defining a variable of Integer type.sizeof keyword in c
sizeof keyword in c language is used to find the number of bytes of a variable.static keyword in c
static keyword in c language is used to define storage class of a variable.struct keyword in c
struct keyword in c language is used to define a structure that can hold different types of variable under one name.switch keyword in c
switch keyword in c is used to define a switch statement to create a menu based program.typedef keyword in c
typedef keyword in c language is used to explicitly associate a type with an identifier.union keyword in c
union keyword in c language is used to define a union.unsigned keyword in c
unsigned keyword in c language is also used in defining a variable of Integer type.void keyword in c
void keyword in c language is also used in defining void data type.volatile keyword in c
volatile keyword in c language tells the compiler not to optimize anything that has to do with the volatile variable.while keyword in c
while keyword in c language is used to define while loop